🫸🏼 Rightwards Pushing Hand- Medium-Light Skin Tone emoji

🫸🏼 meaning - Rightwards Pushing Hand- Medium-Light Skin Tone

This is the Medium-light skin tone version of Rightwards Pushing Hand with cream white skin color, depicting Type - III on Fitzpatrick scale. 🫸 Rightwards Pushing Hand and Medium-Light Skin Tone🏼 are placed in a sequence to create the Rightwards Pushing Hand-Medium-Light Skin Tone emoji.

Copy and paste Rightwards Pushing Hand- Medium-Light Skin Tone emoji

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Note: - If you can't see the emoji, your device may not support Rightwards Pushing Hand- Medium-Light Skin Tone emoji but you can still use it on other platforms.

Representations : , medium light skin tone can be represented by 🫸🏼 emoji.

How Rightwards Pushing Hand- Medium-Light Skin Tone emoji appear on Apple, Google and other platforms?

Currently no major platform support the Rightwards Pushing Hand- Medium-Light Skin Tone emoji and your device may show a blank space, empty square or a cross. Nonetheless, things may change in near future as new emojis gets added with each upgrade.

Rightwards Pushing Hand- Medium-Light Skin Tone in other languages

LanguageShort Name
Spanish, tono de piel claro medio, tipo 3, tono de piel
German, mittelhelle Hautfarbe, Hautfarbe, Hauttyp 3
French, peau moyennement claire
Russian, светлый тон кожи, светлый, цвет кожи 3
Italian, carnagione abbastanza chiara, colore della pelle, pelle abbastanza chiara
Portuguese, pele morena clara, pele morena clara, tipo 3

What is the code of Rightwards Pushing Hand- Medium-Light Skin Tone emoji?

Unicode : U+1FAF8;U+1F3FC
Hexadecimal HTML Entity:   🫸🏼
Decimal HTML Entity: �

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